Routine Kills Creativity, But You Able to Kill the Routine
You are woke up everyday not only with “Higher Power” outside, but your inner power inside. Imagine you still had your alarm keeps ringing but your head still stuck somehow over those wet pillow. Yikes! You are just you. If you gonna wake up, you will move to the bathroom. But if you don’t , you ended up laying in bed until you realized the time is running out.
Entering the office and showing a “usual face” then you face off those work with your agile hand. At break you eat the usual meal and then having a small chit chat with your coallegues, then enter the room again.
Finished up the work with your sleepy face, you ended up at evening with your pressure increase, and forced you to finished the job just in time if you don’t wanna take the extra duty.
Coming home with AC turned on and start evening shower, then boil up some water for a cup of tea with your Netflix / TV turned on. Then you fall in asleep until you realized it’s been a morning to start over your day.
Precisely, what a fact that we build in our subconscious mind. We work days and night but ended up become a Robot. Nothing than Producing Machine who wait their time to die. Something deep is lies within those Routine. It’s a journey of learning, a process to maturity, and a movement towards independency
If you believe that someday you could change, you Will. But if you stay on your believe when your life Will gonna be the way it should be, so be it. Power inside your mind does matter.
Kill the Routine by looking one simple thing everyday. Make sure you Will be a better person everyday. Day by day, you will grow more and get some meaning of life.
In the end, we could sum up the lesson when a Routine can kill your Creativity, by submerged all the meaning of life under the activity. But you are more than that. You able to try something new, do something different, and become a new you. Start from today, may your life filled with excitement.